This is the cleanest Toast library

This is the cleanest Toast library


3 min read

We all know that UX plays a significant role in user retention. One way to improve UX is to show the application state updates through toast notifications. And the best library I found so far is Sonner.

It is very easy to use and clean. A few good things I love about this library is

  1. Easy to integrate

  2. Easy to customize

  3. Customization

  4. Handles multiple notifications beautifully

Now, let's see Sonner in action

  1. Integration

     npm i sonner
     import './globals.css'
     import { Toaster } from 'sonner'
     export default function RootLayout({ children }) {
       return (
         <html lang="en">
           <body className={inter.className}>{children}</body>
           <Toaster /> {/* <--- Add this line to initialize the library in your app */}
  2. Showing toasts

    To show toast, we can call the toast function provided by Sonner

     "use client";
     import { toast } from 'sonner'
     export default function Home() {
       return (
             onClick={() => {
               toast("Toast Demo!");
             Show toast

    Toast demo

  3. Customization

    The best part about Sonner is that it is highly minimalist in design and easily customizable

    A. Showing toast with a description

     toast.message('Toast heading', {
       description: 'Toast description here...',

    B. Showing color-rich notifications
    To show color-rich notifications we can set the property of richColors props as true in the props during initialization in the root.

     export default function RootLayout({ children }) {
       return (
         <html lang="en">
           <body className={inter.className}>{children}</body>
           <Toaster richColors />

    C. Showing toast with different scenarios like success, warning, error, etc.

    set richColors as true shown above if you want colors in the toasts

     toast.success('Toast heading here')'Toast heading here')
     toast.warning('Toast heading here')
     toast.error('Toast heading here')

    D. Adding custom action in the toast

     toast('Toast has been created', {
         action: {
           label: 'Undo'
           onClick: () => console.log('Undo')

    E. Changing toast positions

    Sonner gives us the ability to change the position of toasts easily by setting the position prop as the required position during initialization

     <Toaster position="top-left" />

    position can take one of the 6 values from "top-left", "top-center", "top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-center", and "bottom-right".

  4. Handling multiple notifications

    Sonner handles multiple simultaneous toasts in 2 ways - Expanding or Stacking(default)
    we can change the behavior to expand by setting the expand props as true in initialization.

     <Toaster expand={true} />


There is a lot more stuff in Sonner, you can check Sonner's documentation and their official demo on the website. Let me know what libraries you use in your projects and let me how you like my blog and what stuff you want to write more about.

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